Harness secrets management overview
Harness includes a built-in Secret Management feature that enables you to store encrypted secrets, such as access keys, and use them in your Harness account. Some key points about Secret Management.
Add a secret manager
This topic explains how to store and use encrypted secrets (such as access keys) using the built-in Harness Secrets Manager, AWS KMS, Google Cloud KMS, HashiCorp Vault, Azure Key Vault, CyberArk, and SSH via Kerberos.
Add an AWS KMS secret manager
To store and use encrypted secrets (such as access keys), you can add an AWS KMS Secrets Manager.
Add an AWS secrets manager
This topic shows how to create an AWS Secret Manager.
Add a Google Cloud secret manager
Topic explaining how to add a Google Cloud Secret Manager.
Add Google KMS as a Harness secret manager
This topic explains steps to add Google KMS as a secret manager.
Add a HashiCorp Vault secret manager
This document explains how to store and use encrypted secrets (such as access keys) by adding a HashiCorp Vault Secrets Manager.
Add an Azure Key Vault secret manager
This document explains steps to add and use Azure Key Vault to store and use encrypted secrets, such as access keys.
Add a custom secret manager
This topic explains how to create and use a Custom Secret Manager.
Disable built-in secret manager
Disable Harness built-in Secret Manager.
Reference existing secret manager secrets
Topic to explain how to reference existing secret manager secrets.
Secrets and log sanitization
This topic describes how Harness sanitizes logs and outputs to prevent secrets from being exposed.
Store authentication credentials
This topic explains how Harness stores authentication credentials for secret managers.